My Step experience !
Today I did my first step class in 15 years, taught by Lichfields finest Step Queen – Heidi Brooke’s (was Frew)
I had worked in a local gym for years but only ventured into classes I felt confident in as typically as a Personal Trainer folks expect you to be the Louis Spence of aerobics , step and anything with a bit of choreography. So I avoided them and peered through the window sometimes wondering what the big deal was as Heidi always topped 30 participants ?
At Heidi ‘s class this morning I found out what the deal was, it was a hoot,Heidi rocked the workout and showed how each class was full.I could see all participants felt totally at ease by her approach .
My mind completely switched off from work ( the first time in an age) as I had to concentrate on the moves so bizarrely I came out feeling completely rested but with that worked out buzz.
So to dump a few myths in that hour any past steppers of 10 years may believe
You don’t need 3 rises each sides and recommend not to as its highly likely that if you associate memories of step with bad knees then you were a high stepper. Bring it down
Can’t keep up !
Step can and will be broken down into blocks to allow time for progression to occur. Maybe like me you just have to ditch the outside noise in your head for an hour and treat yourself to a brain break!
But I’m not coordinated!
Have you heard of if you don’t use it you lose it?
Motor skills is one of the main components of fitness and essential to hold back regeneration of the mind and body.
Hold back the years , start rubbing your tummy and patting your head now!
The word on the street is that 2013 is the year of Step Revival , So lets Stomp for the Step!
See you local Lichfield Sutton, Whittington ,Burntwood and all local peeps Tuesdays at 11 Shenstone Village Hall.