by Gail Abbey Fitness | Apr 26, 2014 | NEWS, So Lean And Clean
Hi its great time for outdoor training and literally injecting a breath of fresh air into those training programs. Love love this time of year as short deadlines to those goals often kick us into action. Its so true that a summer body is earned in the winter...
by Gail Abbey Fitness | Mar 25, 2014 | PT
Yesterday the BBC reported that “554 four-year-olds and their mothers from Southampton wore a lightweight combined heart-rate monitor and accelerometer on their chests, for up to seven days.They discovered that the more active a mother is, the more physically...
by Gail Abbey Fitness | Mar 25, 2014 | So Lean And Clean
Are you feeling the seeds of winter planning starting to come to fruition? I swear by the sowing seeds Jan to March and you start to feel the growth of hard work anytime now whether that be by working hard on your body cleaning up the diet and exercise or in the job...
by Gail Abbey Fitness | Mar 25, 2014 | So Lean And Clean
MOTHERING SUNDAY this weekend and are you racking your brains wondering how you can treat your Mum? There are plenty of courses to choose from, personal training or my dvd. Order and we will get it out to you or sign you onto one of the courses. Trying to find the...
by Gail Abbey Fitness | Mar 16, 2014 | PT
Seize the day guys – put yourself out there, walk PROUD , SMILE big , LAUGH Lots,DANCE yourself around the kitchen , SING your favorite tune . Be HAPPY – y’all have a great day