Yes its true, I am coming out.
These are the words I had to say four years ago when I realised sugar was dominating my eating habits.

I open the cupboard , scanned for the sweetest food.
No cake there so lets go for the porridge, honey and yep raisins should just about make it right. = SUGAR

Mid morning: I’m STARVING! How can that be after such a large bowl of porridge?

Mullerlight yoghurt & fruit as a snack it is then. =SUGAR

I would then get one hour on and again be opening cupboards seeking for food.

Ready supermarket spit roast chicken with a sweet crunchy salad and pineapple chunks =SUGAR

See where this is going. It all sounds healthy yes? But a dollop of sugar on or in EVERYTHING.

Get this !!! HOT blackcurrant squash , low calorie/sugar of course 😉 I would no way have full fat! kidding myself and know it or what!?
About four cups a day. =SUGAR

Fruit snack between dinner and tea
Banana =SUGAR

Evening Meal

Not that hungry will just have a bowl of chopped apple, mandarin, pear with a pot of yoghurt & honey!! =SUGAR

I realised I had a problem, things had to change, the weight actually was staying the same so thats good right?

NO. The impact is on the internal organs, placing the pancreas, under stress and a whole load of other issues .”

8 reasons sugar is bad for you

1.Added sugars (like sucrose and high fructose corn syrup) contain a whole bunch of calories with NO essential nutrients.

For this reason, they are called “empty” calories.

2. When repeatedly eating large amounts of sugar this can lead to non alcohol related fatty liver disease and all sorts of serious problems. There has been and increase of in the UK for fatty liver disease.

3. Sugar can cause insulin resistance , a stepping stone towards diabetes & metabolic syndrome.

4.Insulin resistance can progress to type II Diabetes.

5.Due to its effects on the brain & hormones sugar can has unique fat promoting effects.

6.Because sugar causes a massive high of dopamine release in the brain sugar is highly addictive.

7.Sugar is a leading contributor to high levels of obesity in adults & children.

8. Studies show that sugar releases triglycerides, small dense LDL, and oxidise LDL , raise blood glucose and insulin levels & increase belly fat in just 10 weeks . That is also abdominal fat surrounding the vital organs remember,MAJOR RISK FACTORS FOR HEART DISEASE.

So am I cured?

No, My addiction will always lie there . Do you recognise the symptoms?

I kicked it, you can , it isn’t easy but can be done.

I can help you on So Lean & Clean online.
Explain the trigger foods, what not to do, how to prepare against challenging days.
How to recover quickly from a blip and more..

My typical day now goes like this:


Spinach omelette with a crunchy side salad


Chicken breast with broccoli and a tablespoon of homemade hummus.If EVER use shop bought always check the back to be sure for tahini, chick peas and olive oil. NO SUGAR


Homemade stew with sweet potatoes and parsnips ( This satiates the brain as the veg are dense carbs and not fast insulin producing , a slow release into the blood stream )

Occasionally I will buy some green and blacks or natural quality chocolate, sweet substitute.


WATER LITRES OF, GREEN TEA, alcohol once a week .

If you check back you will see the alcohol I recommend if you don’t want to give up your tipple.

No cravings.

I will be writing more on the consequences of sugar in the diet & what the guises sugar comes in. It helps keep me in track too !