by Gail Abbey Fitness | Jan 1, 2014 | So Lean And Clean
New Year New You?
by Gail Abbey Fitness | Dec 20, 2013 | So Lean And Clean
The Perfect 10 DVD is now ready for purchase. Easy Moves , no dance steps. Choose 1 daily workout or combine two or more as you progress your fitness levels . A variety of training techniques to keep you motivated .Combat, body weight, dumbbells and a Yoga cool down...
by Gail Abbey Fitness | Dec 18, 2013 | So Lean And Clean
In 2013 some of the ladies on So Lean And Clean invested in this gadget and were shocked by the lack of steps and how sedentary their life had become even though they were gym goers or never actually sit down all day. Put it on your list for January motivation....
by Gail Abbey Fitness | Dec 11, 2013 | Yoga
Tis the season to be Jolly, but is your coordination and balance up to it? Going to have a few drinks and attempt your Gangnam style dance or even if staying sober have a read through the 2011 NHS stats about accidents over the Christmas Period If you are struggling...