It’s The Season To Be Jolly

Tis the season to be Jolly, but is your coordination and balance up to it? Going to have a few drinks and attempt your Gangnam style dance or even if staying sober have a read through the 2011 NHS stats about accidents over the Christmas Period If you are struggling...

Daily Yoga Pose

? Benefits Strengthens the back muscles Stretches the shoulders and chest Improves posture Sit on the floor with your legs together and extended in front of your torso. If your torso is leaning back, it may be because tight hamstrings are dragging the sitting bones...

So Lean And Clean News

I MUST SHARE THIS POST WITH ALL THE PEOPLE WHO FEEL THAT IMPROVING THEIR HEALTH IS AN OVERWHELMING THOUGHT, READ ON FOR INSPIRATION. This is a post from yesterday on my private group So Lean And Clean Group. Morning all, I am shortly off to TRX and will follow it by...